Every effort has been made to accurately represent the digital and/or paperback product, Understanding the Music Business (By Taking the Mystery Out of the Business), and the possibilities that can be achieved. Although one can be financially compensated in the music business, there is no guarantee you will earn any money following the steps in this material. Directions in this material are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person following the steps laid out. We do not purport this as a get rich scheme of any kind.

Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results are not typical. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed @ musicbusinessmystery.com depend on the time you devote, how accurately you follow the flow chart system, the recommended ideas and techniques, and your finances (if applicable). Since these factors differ per participant, we do not guarantee your success or income level. We are also not responsible for your actions.
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